Give the Dog a Bone…

A bone is and always will be a special treat in your dog’s eyes. They love bones, big beef bones. You can pick them up at the grocery store when you do your grocery shopping.
Not only does your pet feel extra loved, but the bonus is that while he is chewing and gnawing on the bone, his teeth are getting pearly white.

There are a few precautions to take to ensure that only enjoyment comes from this treat and not a trip to the vet’s office.

Safe bones for your dog:
  • Edible bones: hollow, non-weight bearing bones of birds that is soft and pliable. They do not contain marrow and can be crushed in a meat grinder
  • Recreational Bones: big chucks of beef or bison femur or hip bone filled with marrow.

Bone Safety:
  • Feed them the bone in their crate, outside, or somewhere the bone will not make a mess
  • Supervise your pet while he is working on the bone
  •  Separate dogs in a multi-dog home

Avoid giving bones to dogs that…
  • Have had dental work done (restorative)
  • Are susceptible to pancreatitis
  • Could possibly attempt to swallow hole
  • May be able to bite it in half

When you give your dog a bone, LEAVE HIM ALONE!

Dogs can get very possessive about their bones. Bones are one of those things that will make a dog growl when you try and take it away from him. Bones are a very special treat and your dog wants to enjoy that treat in a relaxing place where he can truly enjoy it.

Possible Dangers include
  •  Broken teeth
  •  Mouth or tongue injury
  • Gets stuck in dogs esophagus, windpipe, or intestine
  • Peritonitis
  • Constipation due to bone fragments